29-31 May 2023
SANU (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) - Belgrade, Serbia
Europe/Belgrade timezone

Advances in Jet thermalization using QCD kinetic theory

30 May 2023, 11:45
SANU (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) - Belgrade, Serbia

SANU (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) - Belgrade, Serbia

35, Kneza Mihaila St. 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia https://www.sanu.ac.rs/en/


Dr Oscar Garcia-Montero (Universität Bielefeld, Germany)


In this work we use linearized QCD kinetic to study how highly energetic parton -proxy for a jet- interacts with the hot Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), We find that the parton loses energy to the medium mainly through a radiative turbulent gluon cascade, down to the temperature, at which dissipation starts taking place. The distribution of energy takes place in two stages, first, a highly collimated collinear energy cascade, which as the redistributed energy arrives to the plasma temperature, triggers an angular cascade. This transports the energy to large angles with respect to the jet axis. Furthermore, we will show the importance of the jet cone size in reducing/enhancing the details of dissipation in jet observables.

Presentation Materials