Historically, high-pT radiative energy loss is calculated under the assumptions of the optically thin or optically thick medium within pQCD. These are two limiting (and opposite) approximations, corresponding to a jet experiencing only one or an infinite number of scatterings with medium constituents, respectively. However, in general, QGP created at the RHIC and the LHC is estimated to have 4-5 scattering centers, indicating the inadequacy of such approximations. Theoretical efforts to relax these approximations are still inconclusive, and lack verification against experimental data.
To address these issues, we generalize our dynamical energy loss and DGLV formalisms toward finite orders in opacity, providing explicit analytical expressions up to the 4th order. These complex expressions, which are highly oscillatory, are obtained for the first time to our knowledge. Further, we implement them into an adequately generalized DREENA framework to assess the effects of higher orders in opacity on a comprehensive set of high-pT observables. Analytical and numerical results, as well as the interpretation of nonintuitive observations, are provided.