Edinburgh PRACE school

Edinburgh, UK

Edinburgh, UK


DEISA/PRACE Spring School: Tools and Techniques for Extreme Scalability

EPCC, Edinburgh, Scotland
Tuesday 29 March - Thursday 31 March 2011

EPCC and ICHEC are co-organising the DEISA/PRACE Spring School to be held in Edinburgh on 29-31 March 2011. This three-day event is based around a series of invited lectures and associated hands-on practical sessions, and will cover new languages, programming paradigms and tools for extreme scalability. All techniques to be covered are applicable to a wide range of HPC architectures, and attendees will be able to try them out in practice on the UK's national supercomputer, HECToR, which is the largest Cray XE6 system in Europe.

The school will comprise a number of sessions, most running in two parallel streams, covering the following topics:

Tuesday 29th of March 2011 9:30 - 13:00:

  • Using the Cray XE6, Tom Edwards (Cray Centre of Excellence, Edinburgh)

Tuesday 29th of March 2011 14:00 - 17:30:

  • Track 1: GPU Programming with CUDA, Alan Gray and James Perry (EPCC, Edinburgh)
  • Track 2: Advanced XE6 Libraries, Tom Edwards (Cray Centre of Excellence, Edinburgh)

Wednesday 30th of March 2011 9:30 - 17:30:

  • Track 1: Parallel Programming with Coarray Fortran by David Henty (EPCC, Edinburgh) and Harvey Richardson (Cray Exascale Research Initiative, Cray UK Ltd, Edinburgh)
  • Track 2: Parallel application performance analysis with Scalasca by Brian Wylie (Jüelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany)

Thursday 31st of March 2011 9:30 - 17:30:

  • Track 1: High Performance Parallel Programming with Unified Parallel C (UPC) by Tarek El-Ghazawi and Olivier Serres
  • Track 2: Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Programming by Gabriele Jost (Texas Advanced Computing Center, USA)

Attendance is free for all academics from the EU or any PRACE partner country.

To register, please fill in the form at:


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