29-31 May 2023
SANU (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) - Belgrade, Serbia
Europe/Belgrade timezone

A New Model for Jet Energy Loss in Heavy Ion Collisions

30 May 2023, 10:05
SANU (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) - Belgrade, Serbia

SANU (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) - Belgrade, Serbia

35, Kneza Mihaila St. 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia https://www.sanu.ac.rs/en/


Dr Iurii Karpenko (Czech Technical University in Prague)


We present a new model for jet quenching from coherent radiation in a brick medium. The jet energy loss is simulated as a perturbative final-state vacuum parton shower followed by a medium-induced shower originating from elastic and radiative collisions with the medium constituents. Coherency is achieved by starting with trial gluons that acts as field dressing of the initial jet parton. These are formed according to a Gunion-Bertsch seed. The QCD version of the LPM effect is attained by increasing the phase of the trial gluons through elastic scatterings with the medium. Above a phase threshold, the trial gluon will be realised and can produce coherent radiation themselves.
The model has been implemented in a Monte Carlo code and has been validated by successfully reproducing the BDMPS-Z prediction for the energy spectrum. The realistic case with minimal assumptions are also produced and shown.

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