29-31 May 2023
SANU (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) - Belgrade, Serbia
Europe/Belgrade timezone

Transverse momentum fluctuations in ultracentral Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC

29 May 2023, 16:15
SANU (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) - Belgrade, Serbia

SANU (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) - Belgrade, Serbia

35, Kneza Mihaila St. 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia https://www.sanu.ac.rs/en/


Prof. Jean-Yves Ollitrault (IPhT Saclay)


The ATLAS collaboration has analyzed event-to-event fluctuations of the transverse momentum per particle as a function of the particle multiplicity. In the most central collisions, the variance of fluctuations decreases steeply. I show that this can be explained simply, provided that one takes into account two combined effects: First, for a fixed collision multiplicity, the impact parameter spans a range of values. Second, still for fixed multiplicity, the momentum per particle increases as a function of impact parameter. Based on this analysis, I derive accurate predictions for the increase of the mean transverse momentum in ultracentral collisions, which is yet unobserved.

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