29-31 May 2023
SANU (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) - Belgrade, Serbia
Europe/Belgrade timezone

Hard probes from the view point of open quantum systems

29 May 2023, 11:00
SANU (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) - Belgrade, Serbia

SANU (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts) - Belgrade, Serbia

35, Kneza Mihaila St. 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia https://www.sanu.ac.rs/en/


Prof. Jean-Paul Blaizot (Institut de Physique Théorique)


Hard probes are produced at early stages of heavy ion collisions and carry with them information about the medium they traverse before being detected. Some of them are elementary, but some, like quarkonia are complex. In this talk I shall argue that it is interesting to consider such complex hard probes from the point of view of open quantum systems. I shall in particular establish interesting connection between the propagation of heavy quarkonia in a quark-gluon plasma and some aspects of jet physics.

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