NSCC TJ – GRNET bilateral meeting

Athens Greece

Athens Greece

The Greek Research & Technology Network - GRNET organized and hosted a bilateral meeting with the National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin - NSCC TJ, on April 11th, 2013. NSCC is the leader in HPC activities in China, its supercomputer having been the largest in the world in 2010, and now ranking number 8. GRNET supports networking and computing infrastructures for Greek Research and Education community, and is currently procuring a similar HPC facility for Greek R&E. The meeting took place at GRNET premises in Athens, under the auspices of CHAIN-REDS and HP-SEE projects, and provided an excellent opportunity for both sides to find common grounds and to explore ways for further collaboration at national, regional and intercontinental level in the field of HPC.
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