Scientific Computing, HPC Systems and Network Operation Session 2
- Anastas Mishev (University of Ss Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering)
Mihnea Dulea
(National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
17/10/2012, 16:30
Scientific Computing
Oral presentation
Hyperspectral image processing still requires nowadays considerable computational and storage resources, beyond the available ones for a single server. In particular, clustering of images gathered from the current satellites can be done in a reasonable time only using high performance computing facilities.
In this paper we discuss the latest approaches for fuzzy clustering techniques that...
Josip Jakic
(Scientific Computing Laboratory, Institute of Physics Belgrade)
17/10/2012, 17:00
Scientific Computing
Oral presentation
One of the most frequently used algorithms in engineering and scientific applications is Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Its open source implementation (Fastest Fourier Transform of the West, FFTW) is widely used, mainly due to its excellent performance, comparable to the vendor-supplied libraries. On the other hand, even if not yet in a fully production state, FFTE (Fastest Fourier Transform of...
Gergely Windisch
(Obuda University - Hungary)
17/10/2012, 17:30
Life Science
Oral presentation
Mapping short fragments to open access eukaryotic genomes at a very large scale presents a data processing challenge to the scientific world. The large volume of data processing requires an immense amount of computing power for the tools to provide feasible response time, which is essential for the researchers. The main tool used for such an application is BLAST which is the one we use in our...
Dobromir Georgiev
(Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, BAS)
17/10/2012, 18:00
Scientific Computing
Oral presentation
Many algorithms from Number Theory and their implementation in software are of high practical
importance, since they are the building primitives of many protocols for data encryption and
authentication of Internet connections. Number theory algorithms are also the basic part of
cryptanalytic procedures. Many of these algorithms can be parallelized in a natural way. In this
paper we...