Sreten Lekic
(Faculty of Natural Sciences University of Banja Luka)
We have developed a program for counting self-avoiding Hamiltonian walks to run on multiple processors in a parallel mode. We study Hamiltonian walks (HWs) on the family of two-dimensional modified Sierpinski gasket fractals, as a simple model for compact polymers in nonhomogeneous media in two dimensions. We apply an exact recursive method which allows for explicit enumeration of extremely long Hamiltonian walks of different types: closed and open, with end-points anywhere in the lattice, or with one or both ends fixed at the corner sites. The leading term n is characterized by the value of the connectivity constant 1, which depends on fractal type, but not on the type of HW.
Primary author
Sreten Lekic
(Faculty of Natural Sciences University of Banja Luka)
Mihajlo Savic
(Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Banja Luka)