International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC 2011) & Open Grid Forum (OGF 31)
Media Con. Room, BHSS (Academia Sinica, Taipei)
Media Con. Room, BHSS
Academia Sinica, Taipei
Peter Rice
(European Bioinformatics Institute, UK)
Nowadays researchers in biotechnology and at pharmaceutical industries are supported by many
chemical software development platforms and desktop applications. JChem is one example of
such key software platforms, which is a java based suite of integrated programs and toolkits for
many cheminformatics tasks. Its components include chemical database engines, chemical
structure editor and visualization tools, physicochemical property predictors and other tools for
chemical structure manipulation. In collaboration with MTA SZTAKI’s Application Porting
Centre distributed computing infrastructure (DCI) support was added to the JChem framework
to increase its processing power. Our project work addressed all issues how to combine a highly
specialized chemical software development platform with a stand-alone DCI focused application
development environment; namely with gUSE - grid User Support Environment.