Computational Structures and Technologies for Solving Large Scale Problems, 25-26 May 2011, Chisinau, Moldova
340 (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chisinau, Moldova)
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chisinau, Moldova
5, Academiei str., 2028, Chisinau, Moldova
Aims of Event (abstract)
Workshop objectives:
Introduction in scientific computing technologies; HPC, Grid, scientific clouds, etc. Deeper describing the HPC: HPC task area; computing structures and programming techniques used in HPC; Focus on HP-SEE project — scope, available regional within the framework of the current regional project.
Description of national HPC resources and resources available for ASM users' community.
Outline European landscape on scientific computing; to familiarize participants with the objectives and current results of European projects and trends in HPC, Grid and cloud technologies.
Spokesperson, form of report: Dr. Peter Bogatencov, presentaition; Nicolai Iliuha, presentation; Face to face discussions; short communications from representatives of the participating institutions.
Conclusions, dissemination of printed presentations and the project materials; other printed documents related to scientific computing development in Europe and SEE countries, participating in the HP-SEE project.