International School and Conference on Photonics - PHOTONICA2011 will be held in Belgrade (August 29 - September 2, 2011). PHOTONICA2011 will include five days of short courses, invited lectures, contributed oral and poster presentations. The conference tends to promote the dissemination of knowledge in various disciplines of photonics. We hope that students and young scientists will especially benefit from the program, which provides both tutorials and most recent results in many topics to be covered by the meeting.
You are encouraged to send an original contribution to present your results related to the following topics:
Abstract submission deadline is June 15, 2011.
Deadline for early registration fee is June 20, 2011.
The Conference will take place in the "Kolarac" building, in downtown Belgrade. For your accommodation, you can choose among several hotels within a walking distance from the venue of the Conference.
Registration and further information, including the list of invited speakers, can be found at the conference web site: